Narratives & Perspectives

Narratives & Perspectives
The Same Beauty Standards Filipinos Use to Attack Miss Canada are the Same Harmful Ideologies Used Against Us—and It’s Shameful
Pauline Nacar | May 7, 2021

Are we even surprised to see our countrymen getting called out for their “colorism”, when there’s so much bias towards lighter skin colors in our own country? Miss Canada bringing attention towards all the harmful comments against her dark skin from Filipinos is incredibly embarrassing, but perhaps well deserved.

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Narratives & Perspectives
FYI: When People Take ‘Ayuda’ Matters into their Own Hands, That’s the Spirit of Community, Not Propaganda
Pauline Nacar | April 20, 2021

On April 14, a cart full of food and necessities went viral online for its initiative to support Filipinos forgotten about during this pandemic. Less than a week later, other inspired community pantries sprout across the Philippines, causing a flooding of heartwarming stories on solidarity, humanity, and the classic spirit of ‘bayanihan’.

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Narratives & Perspectives
The Politics of Being ‘Apolitical’ and Why This, In Itself, is a Political Statement
Pauline Nacar | April 3, 2021

We can’t deny that there’s a huge temptation these days to tune out the world and focus on positive thoughts instead, given the negative impact recent news can bring to our mental health. Despite this, though, here’s why we must resist and stay vocal if we have any hope of rebuilding our country—even if that means constantly wallowing in the despair of politics.

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Narratives & Perspectives
Caution Fatigue or Did We Stop Caring? One Year Since Lockdown and We’re Back Right Where We Started
Pauline Nacar | March 17, 2021

Did someone accidentally press the “replay” button on New Year’s Eve, so now we’re reliving the worst of our nightmares from exactly a year ago?

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Narratives & Perspectives
A Tale of Police Brutality, Military Takeover, and a People United To Take Back Democracy
Pauline Nacar | February 11, 2021

What’s currently happening in Myanmar is the culmination of years of oppression from the previously-established military rule. With the same forces snatching away their few years of enjoyed freedom, the people are fighting back to say “no more”. This is the most recent addition to world history’s pro-democracy battles, and it most definitely won’t be the last.

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Narratives & Perspectives
Purpose, Promise, and Patriotism: What Filipinos can Learn from 22-Year Old Amanda Gorman’s Inaugural Poem
Pauline Nacar | January 21, 2021

On January 20, poet and activist Amanda Gorman became the youngest to deliver the presidential inaugural poem for new US President, Joe Biden. Her beautiful and moving words certainly ignited a fire of hope among Americans towards a brighter future in democracy, but unbeknownst to her, her message rang true and clear well beyond their borders as well. Here, in the Philippines, we have just as much to take away from her powerful composition—perhaps even more in this time of great national divide.

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Narratives & Perspectives
Pop Quiz: What is the Difference between a “Reactive” and “Proactive” Leadership?
Pauline Nacar | November 23, 2020

According to our dear friend the dictionary, “reactive” depicts the natural reaction of people and organizations to respond to a stimulus after a deed has been done, while “proactive” refers to making decisions that would either solve or prevent damages before it even happens.

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Narratives & Perspectives
A Community Reacts: How ‘Gameboys’ Gave the Pandemic, our Culture, and the World a Major, Necessary Rewrite
@surethingpating @rappercairo and @kolokoyforever | September 20, 2020

As “Gameboys” evolved into becoming a modern classic, the show’s massive community of fans congregated to discuss, help understand, and comfort each during the most poignant moments of the show. This collaborative article, comes on the heels of the show’s finale, as a testament to the impact of the show on ‘strangers online’, who found each other through their shared love and admiration for the show, its creators, and, of course, its actors.

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Narratives & Perspectives
A Case of Stolen Creativity: How an Online Search Winner Slumped from Promising Artist to ‘Alleged’ Plagiarist
Cholo Katipunan | August 6, 2020

Long before the cheers and calls for celebration quieted down for his one million peso-win in an online search, 21-year-old newcomer CJ Villavicencio is in hot water. Even louder than his recent victory is the controversy that followed soon after an intricate look at his winning piece revealed hints–if not glaring evidences–of plagiarism.

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Narratives & Perspectives
The Internet of Conspiracies: Why Our Society of Gossipmongers is Creepier than Clint Bondad’s Cryptic Messages
Rank Magazine | July 18, 2020

It goes without saying, that it is clear that while Clint Bondad, in his barrage of cryptic social media messages, has shown red flags and signs that he is in dire need of help, our gossip-mongering society has a bigger problem.

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